Thursday, 6 August 2015

Roger Curbishley (Doctor Who Series Four)

First Appearance: Doctor Who Series Four Episode Eight: "The Unicorn and the Wasp"

Played By: Adam Rayner

The son of Lady Clemency Eddison and Colonel Hugh Curbishley, Roger was secretly in a relationship with one of the Household footmen, Davenport. 

He was murdered by his Vespiform half-brother on the 8th of December, who stabbed him in the back with a knife.

"The Unicorn and the Wasp"

Roger wheeled his father through the gardens of his mother's garden party to join her in her conversation with the Doctor and Donna, where Lady Eddison introduces them properly. He comments that Donna was "a super lady," who sees him as flirting and replies by saying that she "liked the colour of his jib." He politely greets the Doctor before accepting "his usual" drink from Davenport, with a flirtatious comment of it being to his liking. Donna quietly asks the Doctor why he is a Cubishley when is mother is an Eddison, which he reveals that due to the Eddison title descending from her Roger would become a Lord.

After hearing how the Reverend Arnold Golightly had apprehended two youths breaking into the church, Roger comments that "some of these young boys deserve a decent thrashing." He has to remind Davenport with a "subtle" clearance of his throat they are being watched when the latter agrees with his point and shows slightly more obvious signs of their relationship. Although nobody picks up (or pretends not to), both the Doctor and Donna picked up the fact that the two were lovers
. Donna whispers that it was "typical. All the decent men on the other bus."  

Roger is among the guests who welcome Agatha Christie to the party and asks her why she chose a Belgian detective for her novels, whom replies jokingly that "Belgians make such lovely buns." He isn't sure how to take the comment at first but he laughs and comments about how Professor Peach would love to meet her and wonders where he could have gotten to.

After hearing of the Professor's murder, Roger pushed his father to the library and is visibly shocked by the dead body on the floor. He follows the Doctor's instructions and goes to sit in the sitting room to wait for his investigative interview. 

During his interview, Roger lies about what he had been doing at quater past four that afternoon (the time of death for the Professor), telling the Doctor that he had been doing a "constitutional in the fields behind the house" and had just walked. When questioned if he was alone, he answers in a very flustered manner that he had been alone and repeats it several time, reiterating the point with the statement of "I wandered lonely as the proverbial cloud." In reality he had met with Davenport and the two walked together holding hands in the woods.

After chasing the Vespiform through the house, the Doctor demands that it shows itself when he reaches a long corridor with all the guest rooms. Among the confused people who leave their rooms were Roger and Davenport, who emerged from the same room with Davenport looking a lot untidier than he had been earlier that day. 

Returning to the sitting room, he comforts his mother who is grieving over the loss of her "most faithful companion" and one of the most senior members in the household staff. When the Doctor asks if Chandrakala's final words meant anything to Lady Eddison- "the poor little child"- Hugh bluntly tells him that their were no children in "this house for years. Highly unlikely that there will be any" looking directly and disapprovingly at Roger as he said this (suggesting that he knew of his son's relationship and orientation). When Agatha tells them that she "had nothing" on what was going on, the gathered group all look to the Doctor for answers about what was happening. 

Roger sat next to Donna at the dinner later that evening, looking slightly unnerved whilst eating his soup and hearing that the Doctor had been poisoned. His nervousness turns to cinfusion where the Doctor explains that the soup had been spiked with pepper and reveals that it was to use the piperine ("traditionally used as an insecticide") to reveal the Vespiform. 

Roger looks terrified when the lightning knocks out the power in the room and the wind snuffs out the candels. In the confusion the Vesperform kills him with a knife in the back and he is left with his face lying in his soup. 

Solana Mercurio (Doctor Who Series Four)

First Appearance: Doctor Who Series Four Episode Four: "Planet of the Ood"

Played By: Ayesha Dharker

Head of marketing and Intergalactic Relations for Ood Operations, Solana Mercurio is in charge of pitching to clients interested in purchasing the Ood as well as tours of the facility.

She was killed by the Ood in the year 4126 after the outbreak of red-eye.

"Planet of the Ood"

Contacting Mr. Bartle (managing Director) of the company on his request, Solana is given instructions to "pitch like never before" to make up for the fact that the price of Ood had been reduced to fifty credits. 

Solana and the new head of the Ood Management-Dr. Ryder- personally met with Chief Executive Klineman Halpen after the latter arrived to deal with the latest death in the companies personnel. Ryder states that Solana has the information of deaths that had recently happened in the company after Halpen disregards Ryder's attempted small talk and introduction and demands to know what had been happening in his absence. Halpen comments that being in "P.R" she was exactly what he needed and tells her to not have of the information released to anyone outside the Ood Operations compound. She looks slightly offended by his belittling of her job title and barging past with the persistence to find out "how many were dead?" 

Following him into the office, she explains that "in the last financial quarter, we've had three deaths in the complex." Each of the deaths had apparently been from "industrial accidents" of "heart attacks,"   until footage of Bartle's death had been recovered showing the cause of death to match those of the others. 

After hearing Halpen and Ryder's suspicions of the Ood catching red-eye, Solana questions what the problem was and listens to Ryder's description of the "infection." When Halpen orders Ood Sigma to pour him a drink, Solana reminds him of his own rules about having "no alcohol allowed on base." He remarks coldly that it was "hair tonic if you must know"  and that it was being used to combat his hair loss from five years ago as resulted in "stress."

Solana greets the potential buyers and representatives of various organisations to the Ood Sphere, making a joke about the weather. As the Ood flanking her hands out information packs, she explains that the packs contained "3-D tickets, a map of the complex and vouchers" and that they had probably all "spoken on the Vid-Phone." Just as she tells them to all follow her, the Doctor and Donna arrive and uses the Psychic Paper to identify them as representatives of "The Noble Corporation, P.L.C Limited, Intergalactic." She apologises and wonders whether their names had "fallen from my list. It won't happen again." She asks them to follow- mistaking them both for a couple and is slightly bemused by the reaction that this had caused from the two denying it, handing them the packs personally. She calls to the others to come with her as it is warmer inside the "executive sweets." She quickly makes up the excuse that the alarm that had just been set of by Commander Kess to signal an escaped rabid Ood as being "a siren for the end of work shift." 

During her pitch, Solana enthusiastically pitches the Ood as being "happy to serve" and boasts that; they live in "facilities of the highest standard," the treatment of Ood as "trusted friends," keeping the Ood "safe and educated" and that they "make them better," proposing that "the Ood are a reflection of us" and stating that "if your Ood is happy, then you'll be happy too."

Moving on to new Ood Operations innovations, Solana showcases the "variety package" for the Ood translation ball with the three additional voices; standard, "something for the gentleman" and the "Homer Simpson"- testing each out to the amusement of the representatives and adding in the fact that this package was on sale for five additional credits. She invites them to have more food and drink.

Just as an Ood begins revealing the existence of "the circle" to the Doctor and Donna (who only had heard about it once when Delta-Fifty died), Solana orders the Ood to return to "hospitality stations."

After another alarm was set of by Kess, Solana reassures the reps that it was "nothing to worry about" and it was "just a fire drill," claiming that the system was tested at that time daily. She excuses herself and hurries to Ood Cargo, where she berates Kess for trying to take down the Doctor with a crane as Halpen wanted both the Doctor and Donna alive.

Solana witnesses a fight between the Ood Operations security forces, fleeing with the Doctor and Donna. They stop when they are far away from the cargo, where Donna states her shock that people on Earth don't know what was happening on the Ood Sphere, However she tells Donna not "to be stupid" and that they do know, yet nobody asks questions which she coints as being the "same thing." The Doctor questions her to know how the Ood are processed to become the "products," but she states that she had no knowledge of what Dr. Ryder did as "it was his territory." Solana begrudgingly reveals Ryder's lab to being "beyond the red section" of the map. The Doctor asks her to come with her and tells her that she can help him, doubting that she really approves of how the company operates. Considering his offer for a moment she calls out to the guards, giving away their location. She communicates with Halpen with her wrist device and informs him of the Doctor heading to the Ood Conversion center.

Joining Halpen and Ryder at the locked Conversion door, she is ordered to return to the reps and stop them from discovering the mass extermination of Ood, whilst also seperating them from any Ood in the sweet for fear of a red eye outbreak. He yells at her to "hurry up" and she complies to his demand.

Solana tries to persuade the reps to move into the education room, but is questioned by a drunk rep who claims that they are in "a free bar." Choosing a different tact, she asks the Ood to return to their quarters as it is "feeding time." The Ood begin to submit to the red-eye and shrink away in pain, which the rep thinks is funny and jokes that she has "upset them", drunkenly telling her to "leave them alone."  She tries again, but is horrified to see that it is too late and the Ood have succumb to the "infection." She tries in vain to get the guests to retreat via the fire escape, however the Ood begin killing the reps and she is forced to leave 

The guards rush over to her and report that all the Ood have "gone insane" and are advancing from the sleeping quarters. She orders them to kill them and runs behind several barrels, watching the soldiers progress in their new task. However just as she turns around she is electrocuted by an Ood, who has appeared from the door beside her.

Lokir (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

File:SR-npc-Lokir 03.jpg
First Appearance: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Played By: ?

A Nord born horse thief and resident of the town of Rorikstead, Lokir was caught by the Imperial Legion whilst riding the stolen creature past the border, where the Legion ambushed both the Dragonborn (who was innocently crossing) and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak and his Stormcloak rebels.
He is put on the back of the wagon with the Dragonborn, Ralof and Ulfric to be ridden to Helgen for execution.

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

Lokir curses the Stormcloaks for the fact that their presence had changed the attitude of the Empire and took away the air of "the Empire being nice and lazy" and that if the Empire had not been "looking for them" he could have escaped and rode off "halfway to Hammerfall" by then. He address the Dragonborn (who has just woken) and acknowledges the fact that they were innocent and had no reason of being there and that it was only proximity that had gotten them in the current predicament. Ralof comments that they are all "brothers and sisters in binds now"- where he keeps referring him with the nickname "Horse Thief."

Lokir ignores the orders of the Imperial Legion driving the wagon to be silent and questions what is up with Ulfric Stormcloak, who has been tied and gagged. Ralof demands him to "watch his tongue" as he declares that he was talking to  "Ulfric Stormcloak, the True High King." Lokir suddenly realises that he may be in a more dangerous predicament than he thought since they caught the leader of the "rebels" and asks fearfully where they were going. Ralof replies that he doesn't know, but predicts that "Sovenguard awaits." Lokir begins babbling about how "this can't be happening" and Ralof wonders "which village" he had come from, musing that "a Nord's last thought should be of home." Lokir replies that he came from the village of Rorikstead.

Upon their arrival to Helgen, Lokir prays to "the divines" for their aid; Akatosh, Dibella, Kynareth, Mara and Shor after hearing General Tullies tell the Imperial soldiers to get "get this over with."
Finally stopping in the tow center, he asks why they have stopped and Ralof replies rather bluntly that it was "the end of the line", adding that he "shouldn't keep the Gods waiting" and that he should "face your death with some courage." Lokir begs them that they are not rebels, but the Imperial Capain ignores his plea and orders him to step up to the execution block when he heard his name called.

When Hadvar calls his name, Lokir declares that "they can't do this." He tries to flee with the deceleration that they weren't going to kill him, but is shot and killed by an arrow from one of the Imperial Soldiers. The Captain turns from his corps and mockingly asks "if anyone else felt like running?