First Appearance:
A ring that belonged to the Lord of the Hunt, Hircine's ring was stolen from him by the werewolf Sinding, who had hoped to use it's powers to control his lyncanthropic transformations. However Hircine discovered the theft and planted a curse on the ring, causing it to have the opposite effect on him and cause him to transform into a werewolf at random.
Sinding was trying to return the ring when he murdered Lavinia and was thrown into Falkreath jail.
Although the Dragonborn was tasked to kill Sinding, they returned to Hircine to report that they spared him and killed the hunters. Thinking this amusing, Hircine gave the Ring to him as a gift.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
Sinding explains that the death of Lavinia was the fault of the ring (the cursed ring) and reveals that the Ring of Hircine was no longer the Daedric Artifact it had been since Hircine cast his curse upon it.
The Dragonborn excepts the ring and says he will return it to Hircine. Upon their meeting, the Apsect of Hircine considers removing the curse if he complied with his favor to kill Sinding.
However after teaming up with Sinding and saving him from Hircine's hunters, the Dragonborn meets with the Aspect of Hircine again and declares that he has failed to complete the task. But Hircine replies that he found the fact the Dragonborn had killed the hunters instead of the hunt to be amusing. As a reward he removes the curse from the ring and grants the Dragonborn the ring as a gift.
(In game powers of The Ring of Hiricne)
Grants the wearer more than once per day transformations as a werewolf or beast form.
First Appearance: ?
The cursed ring was originally the Daedric artifact- the Ring of Hircine, before the item was stolen by the werewolf Sinding. In retaliation this act, Hircine lay a curse upon the ring that would cause the werewolf to transform randomly.
Having sporadic transformations, Sinding sought a method of appeasing Hircine and went searching for the White Stag that was thought to be a trial to prove the worthiness of a hunter to the Lord of the Hunt. However not long after tracking it down the ring caused a violent transformation that resulted in the death of a nine year old girl- Lavinia. He was arrested with the ring still on his position,
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
Sinding explained to the Dragonborn that he had stolen the Ring of Hircine in order that he could control his lyncanthropic transformations. However the curse caused him to change at awkward moments; one such moment leading to the death of Lavinia Caerillia.
When the Dragonborn offered to return the ring to Hircine, he gladly gives it to them telling them to kill the "beast" and return it to it's master Upon his meeting with the Daedric Lord, Hircine tells the Dragonborn that he will consider the removal of the curse if he carries out the task of killing Sinding.
After the Dragonborn killed Sinding, Hircine removes the cursed ring from them and takes his artifact back in exchange for the Savior's armor. Now the ring is back in his possession, he no longer needs the curse upon it and restores it back to it's old self.
(In game power of the Cursed Ring)
The ring can't be removed from the Dragonborn's hand and had a chance (10%) to turn the Dragonborn into a werewolf outside a house of city.
First Appearance: ?
Savior's Hide is a magical suit of armor that was created by the Daedric Lord Hircine out of the skinned hide of the werewolf Sinding. The Lord of the Hunt tasked the Dragonborn to kill Sinding and give him an offering of the hide.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
After the Dragonborn kills Sinding and skins him, the Aspect of Hircine (Sinding) appeared before them and praises them for their effort, He tells them that they have his "favor" and promises that the "skin will serve you well, child... My glories shall protect you from all this world's grievances." The Aspect uses his magic to transform the hide into the armor and grants it as a gift to the Dragonborn before vanishing.
(In Game Power of Savior's Hide)
Increases the resistance of the Dragonborn to both magic (by 15%) and poison (50%) damage points.
First Appearance: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Mentioned Only)
The nine year old daughter of Mathies and Indara Caerillia, Lavinia lived with her parents in the hold Capital of Falkreath,
She had been murdered by Sinding, (the new farm hand) who had transformed into a werewolf and ripped her apart due to the cursed Ring of Hircine that made his transformations sporadic. Her father and mother had trouble finding enough pieces to give her a "proper burial."
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
The Dragonborn witnesses Lavinia's burial in the Falkreath graveyard, where the Priest of Arkay Runil wishes her spirit peace in the eternal plain of Aetherius as a comfort to her parents.
Mathies retells the story of her murder to the Dragonborn and reveals that Sinding has been sent to prison for the crime.
First Appearance: ?
Played By: Daniel Riordan
Hircine is the Daedric "Lord of the Hunt" and is both the creator and ruler of the "Hunting Ground," his own realm within Oblivion. He had many titles including; "The Spirit of the Hunt", "The Huntsman of Princes" and the "Father of Man-beasts" and is one of the more socially acceptable Daedra to worship, like Azura being seen as not completely evil.
He is the creator and patron of therianthropic diseases/ illnesses such as Lyncathropy. His presence was discovered later than the other Daedra and although had a summoning day on the 5th Mid Year, the ritual was very rarely done. He sees the God of War, Ebonam as an enemy.
He is worshiped by the Glenmoril Wyrd Witch Coven, who arranged a deal with the former Harbinger of the Companions- Terrfyg that Hircine will grant them great power if they agree to spend their afterlife in the "Hunting Ground," resulting in the main Circle of the Companions being Werewolves.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
Hircine was furious about the theft of his Ring at the hands of the werewolf Sinding, casting a curse upon the artifact that would take away the control of Sinding's ability to transform whenever he wanted and force him to do it at random times, which resulted in the death of the Caerellia's daughter when Sinding became a werewolf during his hunt for the White Stag. The stag was said to have been a challenge for hunters set up by Hircine to show who was worthy of communing with him. Sinding had hoped- before his arrest for killing the girl- that he could return the ring and beg the Daedra's forgiveness.
The Dragonborn offers to except the cursed Ring and take it to Hircine, killing the creature and ask him to remove the curse.
After killing the White Stag that was roaming around the Falkreath hold, the Dragonborn is communed by the "Aspect of Hircine", who takes the astral form of the dead animal and congratulates the Dragonborn for what he saw to be a good hunt.
(Please see the Aspect of Hircine- Stag and Aspect of Hircine- Sinding for the rest of the Hircine file)
First Appearance: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
A stag larger than all the others in Skyrim and that had much lighter fur, the stag was said to be a right of passage for those wanting to commune with the "Lord of the Hunt"- Hircine- but will only do so by those who are skilled enough to slay the "beast".
After being cursed by Hircine for stealing his ring, the werewolf Sinding went in search of the Stag in order that he could return the ring and seek the Daedra's forgiveness. He had located it in the forest outside the town of Falkreath- near a pool- but before he could kill the creature, the curse caused him to transform; which led to the death of the Caerilla's daughter, his arrest and his incarceration in Falkreath hold jail. The White Stag was free to continue roaming the land around the hold.
The Dragonborn offers to kill the creature and accepts the ring from Sinding, so they can return it to the Daedra and remove the curse from the artifact.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
Upon learning the location of the stag from Sinding, the Dragonborn seeks the stag and after giving it chase across the hold finally manages to run it down and deliver the final blow.
Just seconds later the aspect of Hircine appears, taking the form of the dead Stag and communes with the Dragonborn.