Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Jake Simmonds (Doctor Who Series Two)

(Bracketed has been extracted from deleted scene... if you don't treat it as actually being part of the universe as it wasn't officially shown in episode, sorry for adding it in).

First Appearance: Doctor Who Series Two Episode Six: "Rise of the Cybermen"

Played By: Andrew Hayden-Smith

A young member of the Preachers born on a Parallel Earth, Jake Simmonds joined the resistance team to fight Cybus Industries after discovering the true intentions of the corporation.

(At some point prior to the Doctor's arrival to the Parallel Earth he began a relationship with the Preachers leader, Ricky Smith).

"Rise of the Cybermen"

Jake watched from behind a burning barrel as a "International Electricomtics" van arrives in a tip and Mr. Crane tells several homeless people that it is full of free food and drink. When the last one makes his way to the van, he comes out from his hiding place and warns him not to go as they "are lying." However the homeless man comments that "it is easy for you to say" and questions when he last starved. He ignores his comment and tells him that these people are responsible for the "disappearance of people on the streets" for several months and that they are a going to take him away. When the homeless man asks him what for, Jake replies that they were going to experiment on him. However the homeless guy says that he is too hungry and goes off in the direction of the van. He starts filming Crane and the van as the men scream from inside and the doors close after them.

While Micky visits the Parallel version of his grandmother Rita-Anne, Jake grabs him and throws him into the back of the Preacher's van mistaking him for Ricky. He questions why "he" had gone to see her when he had told them not to keep contact with closest family and friends for their own safety. Confused, Micky pretends to be Ricky saying he was testing them and Jake proudly says that he filmed Cybus as they "went round Blackfriars gathering up the homeless like the child catcher." He goes on to say that four dozen people had gone missing now and Mrs. Moore finishes with the fact that they were all taken by lorries hired by "International Electricomatics." Both Jake and Mrs. Moore seem surprised that "Ricky" isn't aware that Cybus Industries were responsible for it setting up as a fake company.

Upon arrival at the Preacher's base, Jake spots that someone is inside and has the light on and warns Mrs. Moore. All three cross into the building and Jake enters the room with the light on, pointing it at the real Ricky who is just as surprised to find his (lover) pointing a gun at him as his (lover) is to discover that there is two of him and has one standing in front of him and one behind him. Both Jake and Mrs. Moore turn their weapons on Mickey.

Jake scans Mickey's body while Mrs. Moore analysis the data and confirms that he is "clean" and has "no bugs." Ricky is shocked and questions how it was possible to get an exact copy of himself. When Ricky suggests that Mickey could be his brother, Jake tells him to "be fair" and wonders "what else it could be." Ricky concludes that they are identical and tells them that there is something else is happening as well as at Cybus. Jake gives a small smile when Mickey questions if the Preachers were going to take down John Lumic "from your kitchen."

After receiving word from "Gemini", Jake and the other Preachers pack up and follow the number of "International Electromatics" vans in their own and set up weapons in the back while Ricky drives.

Ricky and Jake survey the trucks as they reach the Tyler Household and begin unloading the vans, He is horrified to see the Cybermen disembark and march forward.

Upon the Cybermen's attack on the party and the Doctor's escape from the mansion- with Pete Tyler and Rose- Jake and Ricky try and shoot the Cybermen with AK-47's and are surrounded when the bullets do nothing to slow them down or harm them. The Doctor tells them to stop shooting, but Jake ignores this and fires a few more rounds before the Doctor knocks the weapon down and orders them all to "surrender." He looks horrified as the Cybermen declares their plans to upgrade all of humanity.

"The Age of Steel"

As the Cybermen advance, the Doctor uses the Tardis power cell to disintegrate them. Slightly taken aback he begins to run before Mrs. Moore arrives in the van and orders them all inside- getting in the front with Ricky.

Jake argues the fact that they don't have weapons by angrily declaring that they are "good enough for me like him", referring to Pete Tyler and blaming him for the death of the President and the rest of "the government." Upon the mention of "Gemini" and confirmation of the channel used to contact the Preachers, Jake looks to Ricky totally confused. Jake smiles when Ricky tells them the title of London's most wanted was for "parking tickets", enjoying his attempt to justify it by wanting to tear the system apart.

He is shocked when Lumic uses the Ear Pods to control the whole of London to head towards Battersea Power Station, where he has made the Cyberman's main Cyber Conversion Factory for the city. Jake and Ricky go on ahead and spot the Cybermen leading more people away. When a Cyberman patrol arrives down the far end of the street, Ricky orders Jake to act a distraction to allow the others to escape and meet up after at "Bridge Street."

Reaching the rendezvous, Jake reports that he has seen more people all heading for and entering the factory and that there are "hundreds of Cybermen all down the Thames." He gets excited by arrival by one of the Smith twins, but suddenly changes to panic as he questions which "one are you." Upon learning of his (lovers) death, he turns his back on Mickey telling him to "shut it" when he tried to explain what happened and declared that he was "nothing." Seeing his reaction, the Doctor tells him that he can morn Ricky later but they need to save London first.

Planning what to do next on the shore opposite the Power Plant, Jake stands away from the main group watching them. When Pete suggests using the front door, he argues that they "can't just go strolling up" and seems fascinated by Mrs. Moore's fake ear pods (originally real with the signal removed). The Doctor pulls him aside and tasks him to destroying the transmitter for the ear pods built into Lumic's zeppelin, which Jake comments that he should "consider it done" and smiles for the first time since Ricky's death. When Mickey says he is going with Jake to help, the latter aggressively calls him an "idiot" and claims he doesn't need his help. Standing up for himself, Mickey tells him that he "only wants to help" and Jake storms off with a dismissive "whatever."

Climbing to the roof, he is pretty happy to see the zeppelin is guarded. He motions for Mickey to follow and tells them that they can "take them." When Mickey tells him not to kill them, he angrily snaps "who put you in charge." Listening to his response about killing would put him on the same level as a Cybermen, Jake offers to use Mrs. Moore's version of smelling salts and gives them a countdown window to complete the task. Taking them out, he grins at the idea of more guards and jokingly says that they should "go get them," boarding the airship.

Aboard the ship, the two squabble over finding the "transmitter controls", with Jake sarcastically suggesting that they have a big sign in "red letters" signposting them. Reaching the front of the airship, Jake turns a gun on an offline Cyberman mistaking it for an active one which made Mickey jump. He is very uneasy with the declaration that it was an empty suit, but states that they needed to continue and find the "transmitter." Finding it in a protected case, Jake sarcastically tells Mickey that he left his "oxy-acetylene" and suggests that they could crash the zeppelin by setting it to auto-pilot and escaping before it could be destroyed. Trying to hack into the control system on the main computer, Mickey tells Jake to let him have a go and watches as he begins working. He comments that Mickey was doing a decent job, but is suddenly distracted by the Cyberman who has been reactivated. He complains that Mickey had diagnosed it as being dead and is about to shoot at it until Mickey tells him not to- causing the Cyberman to destroy both itself and the ear pod transmitter. They jump up and down and excitedly hug each other.

Hacking into "Cybercontrol", Jake asks in both shock and disgust what the Cybercontroller was and addresses him as a "thing." He watches as Mickey uses the Doctor's words to get past all the codes and locate the cancellation code for the emotional inhibitors, celebrating as the Doctor uses it and Rose's phone to trigger a city wide shut down that drove the Cybermen insane.

He tries to pilot the zeppelin and get it away from the power station as it goes up in flames, telling Mickey that the whole "balloon" will go up in flames as well. However Mickey persuades him to stop and help the Doctor and the others, getting into a slight shoving match until Jake eventually backed down and let him  have control. He orders him to hold his mobile close to his ear and allow Mickey to call Rose to get them to escape via the roof. Jake warns him not to go any lower as he would crush them, but finds it hard not to enjoy the mission. 

After the defeat of the Cybercontroller, Jake joins Mickey in returning the Doctor's suit, who reveals Mrs. Moore's true name as Angela Price and asks that she find her husband and children and tell them that she died a hero.  He agrees to and stands by as Mickey says goodbye to both Rose and the Doctor, choosing to stay on the Parallel Earth. He is amazed and astounded by the Tardias as it disappears. 

Getting back in the van, Mickey comments that he knows it will be difficult for Jake with his face being identical to Ricky's he has no intention of replacing him. (Jake comments that he could never do that and that he would never "have another boyfriend like him." Mickey expresses his surprise and jokes that he is "defiantly not replacing him") but states that they will fight in his name and the name of Mrs. Moore, which makes Jake smile. Mickey wonders whether there is a cyberfactory in Paris, stating that they will "go liberate Paris." Jake states his amusement at the prospect that it would be "you and me in a van." Mickey states that their was "nothing wrong with a van. I once saved the Universe with a big yellow truck." 


Using specially developed teleportation devices capable of crossing dimensions, Jake and a team of soldiers from the Parallel World crossed into Earth, arriving on the top floor of the Torchwood One building in Canary Warth. He orders his troops not to move and fire at the Cybermen, who have little time to react before they are destroyed. He tells the Doctor it was "good to see him again" removing his gas mask and surprising the latter. He orders the soldiers to lock down the room and puts a fellow officer, Chrissie to monitor all communications and warns them about the constant upgrade of Cyberleader is the previous is killed. The Doctor confronts him about the fact it was not possible to travel between parallel universes, but Jake explains that Torchwood on their world had developed the technology they were currently using and asks if he wanted to see and presses his own sending them back to his world's version of Torchwood One. 

During Pete Tyler's explanation of the past three years, Jake comments that people objected to Cybermen being sealed within the factories as many still saw them as living beings and that they should be helped, which had given the Cybermen time to escape and cross the void into Earth. Jake follows him across the room, acting as an unfortunate dummy for the Doctor's constant tapping of the teleport disc and explaining how the power caused by this transportation is causing the world to "boil." He listens as the Doctor questions if Pete really thought he could "seal of the breach, stop th Cybermen and defeat the Dalaks" and is teleported back with the other two as the Doctor agrees he will do it. 

Upon their return, Jake orders his men to guard the door while the Doctor called Jackie, After hanging up, the Doctor takes Jake's gun and alters it in order that it can work on "poly-carbide", answering Jake's question of what "poly-carbide" was the fact it was Dalek-skin. 

Jake leads an attack with several officers and Cybermen (who they have somehow reprogrammed) in a fight against the Dalek's in the Sphere Room, manaing to rescue Mickey and Rose before getting out alive. As the door closes, the Doctor orders him to "protect the stairwell." 

Surviving and fighting his way to the top floor, Jake watches as the Genesis Ark releases millions of Daleks over the streets of London. He listens to the Doctor as he reveals his plan to seal the breach via pulling the Daleks and Cybermen to a Hell-like place. Taking it to be a literal Hell, Mickey makes a side note to Jake about always telling him that the Doctor was "good." 

He is transported away when the Doctor puts a disc on Rose, but watches as she transports back, forced to watch the backlash between Jackie and Pete when Rose makes her way back to the original Earth.  

Harriet Jones (Doctor Who Series Four)

First Appearance: Doctor Who Series One Episode Four: "Aliens of London"

Played By: Penelope Wilton

Formally a back bench British Politician for the Constituency of Flydale North, Harriet Jones later became Prime Minister after she helped the Doctor and Rose uncover and stop a Slitheen plot within Downing Street. 

Her term in office was ended by the Doctor's strategic whispering of the six words- "don't you think she looks tired"- after she had ordered the Torchwood Institute to shoot down the Sycorax spaceship as it was leaving on Christmas Day. 

Since then she continued with her goal in saving the world from the shadows, developing technology such as the Subwave Network which was created by the Mr. Copper Foundation. 

"The Stolen Earth"

After deciding that the time was right and the Earth looked like it had no hope left, Harriet Jones contacted Torchwood, Sarah Jane Smith (via Mr. Smith), Rose Tyler- although unable to hear her without webcam at the Noble Household- and Martha Jones at her mother's house. 

She calls out to those she contacted, asking if anyone could hear her as the signal began transmitting. She continues trying to reach out calling this message "the utmost importance", which Captain Jack ignores as just being someone else from the "world crying out". However she berates him and orders him to "stand to attention." Getting his attention, he asks who was speaking and the introduces herself with the fact that she was "former Prime Minister" and flashes her passport- although he tells her he "knows who you are." 

Rose tries to speak to Harriet, but is unable to and watches as Sarah Jane replies. Harriet uses the sub-wave to allow those connected so far to contact each other. She comments that the "fourth contact seems to be having trouble getting through" boosting the signal so that Martha joins the conversation (again introducing herself) and said it seemed an appropriate time, introducing Sarah Jane to the Torchwood team. She has to tell Jack to stop flirting as he comments that Sarah Jane is "looking good." She then goes onto introduce Martha Jones to Sarah Jane, before going on to explain that due to the "sentient software" being programmed to seek out anyone who had worked with the Doctor Subwave network she was able to locate them all. She goes on reassure Martha that the Subwave was completely hidden from the Dalek's radar and that she had developed it with the aid of the Copper Foundation. 

Harriet warns Martha not to use the Osterhagen Key when Jack asks about it and orders them to forget about it, claiming that "all we need is the Doctor." Sarah Jane questions this and asks whether it was the Doctor who had "deposed her". Harriet replies sadly that "he did" and goes on to say that although doubting herself about the desission she had made on Christmas at first. However she justifies her reasoning as the Doctor couldn't be there to save the world every time there was an invasion. When Martha tells her that she failed to get through to the Doctor on her own, Harriet concludes this is why they all need to work together and act as "the Doctor's secret army." 

During the plan to use the rift to call the Doctor's number- via Mr. Smith's hacking of the phone network- Ianto Jones comments that the transmitting signal would become open and visable to the Dalek fleet. Harriet admits that she was aware of this fact and that she also knew the Dalek's would track  her down and kill her. She states that "my life doesn't matter. Not if it saves the Earth." 

She thanks Jack for his solute, but tells them that "is enough with words" and that they they start as "there are people dying on the streets." 

Wilfred Mott commends her and voices that he "voted for her" to be Prime Minister, although Sylivia Noble tells him that he never did. 

She opens the Subwave to "maximum" allowing the signal to mask the transmission to contact the Doctor, which attracts the attention of a Dalek Saucer. The Daleks use their exterminators to smash the window, whilst she transfers the Subwave network to the Torchwood facility in Cardiff, putting Jack in charge and requesting that he tell the Doctor that "he chose his companions well." She states that it "had been an honor", before moving into the center of the room as three Dalek's enter her house via the blown out window. She introduces herself to them and retorts that although they knew who she was, they "knew nothing of any human. And that will be your downfall." She exhales and stands taller as the Dalek sentences her to death, dying along with her screen on the collected subwave monitor. 

"Journey's End"

During Davros' goading of the Doctor- while he was being held in the vault- he boasts that he had "already seen them (The Doctor's allies) sacrificed today for their beloved Doctor" and addresses Harriet Jones as "the Earth Woman who fell opening the Subwave Network." The Doctor had been unaware of her death or the fact that she had been involved in bringing him to Earth until Rose tells him and he remembers her along with all the others he had lost over his travels.