Played By: Penelope Wilton
Formally a back bench British Politician for the Constituency of Flydale North, Harriet Jones later became Prime Minister after she helped the Doctor and Rose uncover and stop a Slitheen plot within Downing Street.
Her term in office was ended by the Doctor's strategic whispering of the six words- "don't you think she looks tired"- after she had ordered the Torchwood Institute to shoot down the Sycorax spaceship as it was leaving on Christmas Day.
Since then she continued with her goal in saving the world from the shadows, developing technology such as the Subwave Network which was created by the Mr. Copper Foundation.
"The Stolen Earth"
After deciding that the time was right and the Earth looked like it had no hope left, Harriet Jones contacted Torchwood, Sarah Jane Smith (via Mr. Smith), Rose Tyler- although unable to hear her without webcam at the Noble Household- and Martha Jones at her mother's house.
She calls out to those she contacted, asking if anyone could hear her as the signal began transmitting. She continues trying to reach out calling this message "the utmost importance", which Captain Jack ignores as just being someone else from the "world crying out". However she berates him and orders him to "stand to attention." Getting his attention, he asks who was speaking and the introduces herself with the fact that she was "former Prime Minister" and flashes her passport- although he tells her he "knows who you are."
Rose tries to speak to Harriet, but is unable to and watches as Sarah Jane replies. Harriet uses the sub-wave to allow those connected so far to contact each other. She comments that the "fourth contact seems to be having trouble getting through" boosting the signal so that Martha joins the conversation (again introducing herself) and said it seemed an appropriate time, introducing Sarah Jane to the Torchwood team. She has to tell Jack to stop flirting as he comments that Sarah Jane is "looking good." She then goes onto introduce Martha Jones to Sarah Jane, before going on to explain that due to the "sentient software" being programmed to seek out anyone who had worked with the Doctor Subwave network she was able to locate them all. She goes on reassure Martha that the Subwave was completely hidden from the Dalek's radar and that she had developed it with the aid of the Copper Foundation.
Harriet warns Martha not to use the Osterhagen Key when Jack asks about it and orders them to forget about it, claiming that "all we need is the Doctor." Sarah Jane questions this and asks whether it was the Doctor who had "deposed her". Harriet replies sadly that "he did" and goes on to say that although doubting herself about the desission she had made on Christmas at first. However she justifies her reasoning as the Doctor couldn't be there to save the world every time there was an invasion. When Martha tells her that she failed to get through to the Doctor on her own, Harriet concludes this is why they all need to work together and act as "the Doctor's secret army."
During the plan to use the rift to call the Doctor's number- via Mr. Smith's hacking of the phone network- Ianto Jones comments that the transmitting signal would become open and visable to the Dalek fleet. Harriet admits that she was aware of this fact and that she also knew the Dalek's would track her down and kill her. She states that "my life doesn't matter. Not if it saves the Earth."
She thanks Jack for his solute, but tells them that "is enough with words" and that they they start as "there are people dying on the streets."
Wilfred Mott commends her and voices that he "voted for her" to be Prime Minister, although Sylivia Noble tells him that he never did.
She opens the Subwave to "maximum" allowing the signal to mask the transmission to contact the Doctor, which attracts the attention of a Dalek Saucer. The Daleks use their exterminators to smash the window, whilst she transfers the Subwave network to the Torchwood facility in Cardiff, putting Jack in charge and requesting that he tell the Doctor that "he chose his companions well." She states that it "had been an honor", before moving into the center of the room as three Dalek's enter her house via the blown out window. She introduces herself to them and retorts that although they knew who she was, they "knew nothing of any human. And that will be your downfall." She exhales and stands taller as the Dalek sentences her to death, dying along with her screen on the collected subwave monitor.
"Journey's End"
During Davros' goading of the Doctor- while he was being held in the vault- he boasts that he had "already seen them (The Doctor's allies) sacrificed today for their beloved Doctor" and addresses Harriet Jones as "the Earth Woman who fell opening the Subwave Network." The Doctor had been unaware of her death or the fact that she had been involved in bringing him to Earth until Rose tells him and he remembers her along with all the others he had lost over his travels.
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