Friday, 31 July 2015

Delta-Fifty (Doctor Who Series Four)

First Appearance: Doctor Who Series Four Episode Four: "Planet of the Ood"

Played By: Silas Carson

The personal Ood of Managing Director Mr. Bartle of Ood Operations, he underwent surgery to have his hind brain removed and had the translation ball stitched on in it's place. In the year 4126 he had contracted Red-Eye and murdered Bartle. He later died from a gunshot wound he had suffered during his escape from the Ood Operations compound.

"Planet of the Ood"

After calling Halpen an "idiot" for "bleeding us dry" with the decision to lower the price of Ood to 50 credits, Bartle orders Delta-Fifty to bring him the previous months military files with the plan to sell Ood to the army as they "always need new grunts." He returns with the domestic file, which is promptly given back to him with another request for him to get the right file. However Delta- Fifty throws down the file and tells Bartle that the "file is irrelevant." When Bartle retorts the Ood uses his translator ball to electrocute him.

During Halpen's viewing of the security footage he questions Dr. Ryder on the fate of the Ood. Ryder replies that Delta-Fifty had been shot during his escape and that the wound would have probably killed him by the time that had elapsed between the incident and the arrival of Halpen. 

He finally falls into the snow, where his song is heard by the Doctor. The latter and Donna Noble find him lying close to death. After telling Donna to give him a hand and not call the Ood an "it" the Doctor tries to find his heart (although not sure whether the Ood has one) and asks Donna to keep him company and talk to him. He tells Donna his name on her request, who uses the translator orb to speak into (not knowing there was no need to do so) and tries to comfort him with the fact the Doctor can help him. He tries to tell them about "The Circle" and that "the circle must be broken." Just as the Doctor questions what the "circle" is, the red eye takes him again and he bolts upright before dying. 

Donna asks whether they should bury him, but the Doctor tells her that the snow "will take care of that."

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